Dr. Hemlata Agarwala Receives the Bioeconomy Innovation Award 2023
Dr. Hemlata Agarwala receives a Bioeconomy Innovation Award 2023 during the 2nd Interdisciplinary Postdoc Event at TUM Campus Straubing.
Dr. Hemlata Agarwala receives a Bioeconomy Innovation Award 2023 during the 2nd Interdisciplinary Postdoc Event at TUM Campus Straubing.
Dr. Tao Zhou is funded with an MSCA European Postdoctoral Fellowship for his project TransCO2 “Electricity-Driven Enzymatic Cascades to Transform CO2 to C2+ Chemicals”.
Dr. Stacy Reginald is funded with an MSCA European Postdoctoral Fellowship for his project ReversE “Modifying Enzyme with Solid-Binding Peptide for Site-specific and Reversible Enzyme Immobilization”.
Dr. Rafał Białek is funded with an MSCA European Postdoctoral Fellowship for his project SpinBioAnode “Nature’s spin-flipping machine: design of the semiconductor-free biophotoanode”.
Dr. Ben A. Johnson is funded with an MSCA European Postdoctoral Fellowship for his project ReLay “Enabling Incompatible Tandem Reactions through Spatial Separation of Reaction Layers”.
Dr. Vincent Friebe is funded with an MSCA European Postdoctoral Fellowship for his project B-FHAB “Hacking Photosynthesis: Biosensors for Herbicides and Beyond”.